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Understanding THE DETOX EFFECTS That Are Sometimes Felt In The Beginning

Everyone is unique, meaning many people detox with ease drinking the Te Divina Detox Tea every day. You may experience many different forms of detoxing, especially when you first you first begin drinking the tea! Don’t worry though, this is a sign that the tea is working! If you need to adjust the amount you are drinking you can consume LESS or MORE, depending on your personal circumstances. But whatever you do hang in there! It is worth the little bit of temporary discomfort you may find yourself having, as you are now on the road to reclaiming a healthy colon and an overall healthy body. 


TIP: Be sure if you are taking any prescription medications to take them 1 hour before or after you have consumed the tea.


  • Some may temporarily experience a loose stool and/or diarrhea

  • Others may notice gas / bloating

  • Frequent urination

  • Mild stomach upset

  • Foul smelling stools

  • Expelling tar like stools

  • Headaches (drink lots of water!)

  • These are just a few signs of cleansing you may experience in the very beginning! 


  • Bottom line is Bless It and Work through it - Remember, your discomforts will vanish soon & you’ll be glad you stuck to the initial cleansing process.



Most people do lose weight/inches consuming Te Divina DetoxTea. Some may lose a lot while others may lose a little. Some may not lose weight at all. Our bodies are all different and people can have different results using the same product . Te Divina Detox Tea is amazing and yes, people have and do lose weight/inches from drinking it. But please keep in mind that the weight loss from Te Divina Detox Tea is a side effect bonus. The main purpose of Te Divina Detox Tea is to detoxify your body. Any unwanted weight you may lose is just an added bonus. Also, remember that we offer other weight loss products such as Life Capsules to help with your weight loss needs.

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