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All Natural 100% Organic

Persimmon Leaves
Compounds in Persimmon Leaves have been shown to help remove excess fat from the body. The tannins and flavonoids in Persimmon Leaves are also believed to have anti-hypertensive, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-mutagenic properties. Persimmon Leaves have been used to help alleviate digestive problems and dermatitis, and also act as a natural antihistamine, which helps reduce allergic reactions.

Holy Thistle
Holy Thistle has been used medicinally for more than 2,000 years. A flavonoid in the fruit, called Silymarin, is a powerful antioxidant that may also protect the cells of the liver by removing and blocking the entrance of harmful toxins. Holy Thistle is believed to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood, and has been used to cure chronic headaches. It is also used for stomach and digestive problems, can strengthen the heart, and is good for the lungs and kidneys.

Malva Leaves
The Malva, or Chinese Mallow, plant has been used for centuries to soothe the membranes of the digestive system and treat a variety of conditions from stomach ache and gastroenteritis to irritable bowel syndrome. It can also soothe bronchial irritation in people with bronchitis or emphysema.

Marsh Mallow
Marsh Mallow was used by the ancient Greeks to remedy bruises and bleeding, and as a mild laxative. It was used in medieval Europe for indigestion and diarrhea. Rich in calcium, zinc, iron, sodium, iodine, B complex vitamins, and pantothenic acid, Marsh Mallow soothes and supports the stomach, intestines, and respiratory tract. It is also believed to have mild anti-infective and immune-boosting properties.

Blessed Thistle
Blessed Thistle has been used in traditional medicine as far back as the early sixteenth century to improve memory, aid digestion, and treat a wide variety of other diseases and disorders. In herbal medicine, Blessed Thistle is used for cancer, infections, inflammation, gallbladder disease, jaundice, liver disorders, cervical dysplasia, heart ailments, skin ulcers, yeast infections, and diarrhea.

Rich in antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium, and fiber, Papaya promotes cardiovascular health and provides protection against colon cancer. Papaya may also help prevent such illnesses as recurrent ear infections, colds, and flu. Papaya also contains the digestive enzyme papain, which is used to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies.

Myrrh is used in many countries to treat a variety of mouth and throat irritations. It can be found in some mouthwashes and sore throat medicines, and has been approved in Germany for treating mouth inflammation.

ChamomileA natural anti-inflammatory, Chamomile can be used to treat digestive disturbances, gastrointestinal spasms, inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, coughs and colds, fevers, and bronchitis. It’s mildly sedating and muscle-relaxing effects can also help those who suffer from insomnia fall asleep more easily.

Ginger Root
Chinese Medicine recommends ginger to treat a number of health problems, including inflammatory joint diseases such as arthritis, gastrointestinal problems, and body aches. Ginger may also ease sore throats, headaches, ulcerative colitis, and fevers and aches caused by colds and flu.


Cranberries  have been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect, which can potentially benefit conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, stomach and digestive disorders, and our cardiovascular system, particularly the lining of our vessel walls. Cranberries have been used for years to prevent Urinary Tracy Infections (UTIs). Certain types of stomach ulcers are related to a particular type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, and it's possible that cranberries may help prevent this bacteria from attaching to the lining of the stomach, similar to how they can help prevent bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract. They also help to reduce inflammation in and around our gums, which helps to reduce our risk of periodontal disease. The antioxidant components of cranberries are also linked to a reduction in blood pressure and beneficial in slowing tumor growth, and have shown positive effects against certain types of cancer, including prostate, lung, breast, and colon cancer.


Chaga contains very significant amounts of powerful antioxidants with far reaching health applications. Chaga extract has been approved as a treatment for various types of cancer in Russia since the 1950s. The betulinic acid found in chaga mushrooms is known to induce apoptosis or cell death and prevent tumors from developing. Chaga can be drunk as a healthy tea and is a great way to keep your digestive system in excellent shape. It helps relieve indigestion and other digestive pain while keeping the digestive system working smoothly. It can help protect both the skin and hair from sun damage and might even help diminish the size of age spots. The betulin present in chaga is also known to have a liver detoxifying effect helping you clean out the system and start afresh. On top of all the wonderful abilities of chaga tea, it is also considered an adaptogen. Adaptogens help keep your body in balance, by making sure all systems aren’t going into overdrive. By keeping a quiet balance in your body, you are better able to cope with stressful situations. Helps to treat ulcers as well.  A variety of the compounds contained in chaga such as betulinic acid and inotodiol work to reduce dangerous inflammation within the body. Boosting the immune system is another benefit of Chaga. 


They are mainly used for purely medicinal purposes and have a number of health benefits. In fact, it is known among practitioners of Chinese medicine as the “king of herbs.” These mushrooms are very strong antioxidants protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals that are formed inside the body by daily exposure to the sun, chemicals, and pollutants. Ganoderma has been proven to boost the immune system, especially when taken with other antioxidant supplements. It is believed that Ganoderma can suppress the growth of tumors in people with cancer. It can reinforce the membranes in cancerous cells to keep the tumor from spreading. For this reason, they are often used in efforts to prevent cancers. It is also beneficial for people suffering from asthma and other respiratory conditions because it seems to have a healing effect on the lungs. They are good for building respiratory strength and curbing a cough. Ganoderma have anti-inflammatory properties and are therefore used sometimes for patients who have Alzheimer’s and heart disease. This is based on the idea that inflammation plays a part in each of these conditions. As far as benefits for the heart, ganoderma can improve the flow of blood to the heart and reduce the amount of oxygen the heart consumes. It can help to lower cholesterol and some of the ingredients may help combat high blood pressure.

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